Wingman Challenge Coins
The Wingman Challenge coins are available in 2 options:
1) Standard Wingman Challenge Coins, featuring the American flag along the back and Never Fly Solo on the Front.
2) Custom Wingman Challenge Coins, featuring Never Fly Solo on the front and your organization's unique logo and/or core values customized on the back.
Please contact us at info@yourwingman.com or 770-333-9867 to order Custom Challenge Coins or Standard Challenge Coins above 200 quantity.
Product Details
(Standard Coins Bulk Pricing: Up to 100 coins: $6.00; 201-350: $5.75; 351-700: $5.25; 701-1000: $4.50)
Custom coin orders: Minimum quantity is 200. Please add $1 to above pricing. Please allow 45-day lead time for confirmation of custom design to delivery.
Every US Air Force fighter squadron has its own unique squadron coin. This coin is a symbol of commitment and collaboration and serves as constant reminder of the mission. Every pilot has their own coin, and they are customized with the squadron mission statement and mascot on one side, and the headquarters logo on the other side.
Because the coin represents 100% mission readiness and a commitment to winning, it must be carried at all times, regardless of location! As such, if you happen to be at the gym, the bar, or even a business meeting, and someone pulls out their coin and slaps it down – that’s what’s called a ‘Coin Challenge,’ meaning you and your wingmen have 10 seconds to pull out your coins and slap them down…thus proving you are indeed mission ready.
Here’s the catch. If you don’t have your coin, then guess who’s buying a round of drinks or lunch for everyone present? You are! However, if you do indeed have the coin and meet the challenge, then the person who initiated the challenge must bear the consequences and buy you and everyone present a round of drinks, lunch, a soft drink, etc.
My wingman coins are a fun way to build esprit de corp. and team unity, and serve as a unique reminder of your corporate values and mission.
Standard coins have an American flag on the back along with the core values of teamwork, courage, and trust, and my call to action – PUSH IT UP!
Custom Coin Orders:
Custom coins may have your organization’s unique logo and/or core value.
Please allow one month lead time - Minimum order of 100 coins.
If you are interested in ordering custom coins, please contact 770-333-9867 or email info@yourwingman.com